Nature Aquarium

Microsorum Windelov

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Microsorum 'Windelov', also known as Windelov Fern or Lace Java Fern, is a popular cultivar of the species Microsorum pteropus. It is named after the Danish aquarist Tropica, Holger Windeløv, who discovered and cultivated this variation.

Characteristics: Microsorum 'Windelov' is distinguished by its finely divided, lace-like leaves. Unlike the broader, more traditional leaves of regular Java Fern, the leaves of 'Windelov' are intricately lobed and almost appear to be dissected. This gives the plant a delicate and graceful appearance, which adds an attractive texture to aquascapes. The leaves typically range from light to dark green in color.

Care Requirements: Similar to other varieties of Java Fern, Microsorum 'Windelov' is relatively undemanding and can thrive in a wide range of water parameters. It prefers low to moderate lighting conditions and can tolerate varying levels of pH and water hardness. CO2 supplementation is not necessary for its growth, though it may benefit from nutrient-rich water and regular fertilization. 'Windelov' is a slow-growing plant that requires little maintenance once established.

Propagation: Propagation of Microsorum 'Windelov' is similar to that of regular Java Fern. It can be propagated by dividing the rhizome into smaller sections and attaching them to driftwood, rocks, or other aquarium decorations. New plantlets will develop from the divided rhizome and gradually establish themselves.

Uses: Microsorum 'Windelov' is a versatile plant that can be used in various aquascaping layouts. It is often used as a mid-ground or background plant to add texture, depth, and visual interest to freshwater aquariums and terrariums. Its delicate appearance makes it suitable for creating natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing underwater landscapes. Additionally, 'Windelov' provides shelter and hiding places for fish and invertebrates, contributing to a healthy and balanced aquatic environment.

In summary, Microsorum 'Windelov' is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for aquatic plant that adds elegance and texture to freshwater aquariums and terrariums. Its finely divided leaves and graceful appearance make it a popular choice among aquascapers and hobbyists looking to create lush and visually appealing underwater environments.

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